Four Basic Functions of a Chicken Coop
Chicken coops , which are also known hen houses or chicken houses, are purposely designed with safety, shelter, protection and convenience in mind for the chicks. It must be a place where chickens can get away from all kinds of weathers either cold weather, storms, rain or wind. Coops can also be closed to keep chicks protected from predators from harming them or their eggs. It must be big enough for the chickens to live comfortably by allowing them much of space to flap their wings, walk round and about, and build comfortable nests in it. Chicken coops must come up with changeable floors to keep it clean and windows too to have ventilation. It must be big enough for humans for the convenient access to the eggs, allowing for easy daily egg collection. Below are some major factors and functions that must kept in mind while choosing or making; 1) Shelter (from wind, rain, snow, and sun): The major and most highlighted function of a chicken coop is giving the shelter to...